Financial Services
flexible solutions for financial facilities
For corporate owners, managing leases for multiple branches or locations and tracking the income is a key business activity. And those multiple brick-and-mortar locations require coordinated and ongoing maintenance. Corporate owners also face upcoming changes to accounting rules for recognizing leases as capital, while facilities groups struggle to communicate whether they’re centrally located or spread across separate locations.
To address these challenges, leaders in the financial services industry turn to Wizard Software Solutions. Our nationally recognized customers use REportfolio™ to manage the leases for multiple branches, and they choose Performo™ for preventive and corrective maintenance within those bank branches.
REportfolio™ offers straight line reporting as well as custom reports so owners never miss a key date and can project revenue. Our built in FASB worksheet works with corporate accounting groups to prepare for the new accounting standards.
Performo™ allows multiple users from multiple locations to log and track work orders using the web or a mobile device.
SOME OF OUR Financial Services CLIENTS:
The Exact Data You Need, When You Need It Most
When a large multi-national corporate customer required software to manage worldwide leases they turned to REportfolio™. This corporation required leases to be grouped by international region. The centralized real estate group in the US was challenged to run reports by region and for the organization as a whole.
This corporation hired an outside financial consultant to review all the leases for compliance with the upcoming new FASB rules. Within a week, Wizard Software provided all the required lease data from REportfolio™ and a copy of all the reports. Based on REportfolio™ data, the financial consultant was able to provide accounting specific feedback to the corporation.
additional financial services clients:
ICF Bank